Even with an expected shortfall in revenue due to COVID-19 circumstances, the Mars Area School Board will not raise taxes in order to meet their 2020-21 school year budget.
Next year’s general fund budget anticipates a decrease in local revenue of between $1.8 and $2.3 million as well as a year end deficit of nearly $700,000. The budget passed by a vote of 7-2 with board members Megan Lenz and Christine Valenta in opposition.
One of the ways that the board plans to reduce costs is by eliminating the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Innovative Practices effective June 30th. The director of that department will be asked to accept a demotion to the currently open position of substitute elementary school principal.
The proposed 2020-2021 budget will be available for public review on the Mars website. Parents and community members may submit questions or comments regarding the proposed budget to Mars Area School Board via e-mail.
The board is expected to adopt their final budget in June.
The post Mars School Board Says They Won’t Raise Taxes appeared first on ButlerRadio.com – Butler, PA.